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Jerks Like Us Book Three

  Jerks Like Us


  Copyright © 2020

  Published by Triad Literary

  Cover Art Emmy Ellis

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Your non-refundable purchase allows you to one legal copy of this work for your own personal use. You do not have resell or distribution rights without the prior written permission of both the publisher and copyright owner of this book. This book cannot be copied in any format, sold, or otherwise transferred from your computer to another through upload, or for a fee.

  Disclaimer: This book may contain explicit sexual content, graphic, adult language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable which might include: male/male sexual practices and multiple partner sexual practices.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, and incidents are from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual places, people, or events is purely coincidental. Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.




  Jerks Like Us

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Author Sharita Lira’s personal note

  Read Nerds Like Us

  Read Fools Like Us



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  Ello Srlmort71


  Thanks to Morticia and Deb

  for brilliant beta reading

  And as always, for Mack and Scottie!

  Jerks Like Us

  Kao doesn’t follow rules, he makes them. Can Brody fight the KPOP star’s allure and protect him from harm?

  Kao has always wanted to dance to the beat of his own drum. Although he was successful with the band, he opted to leave his home country in search of superstardom. Performing was all he ever wanted to do, but it could be done without the rigorous schedule. Besides, how can you find a boyfriend while practicing for countless hours? You can’t which is why Kao has spent most of his adult life alone.

  Brody is done being a cop, so he took a high paying gig at a security agency. Now instead of chasing criminals, he keeps fanboys and girls away from the world’s biggest stars. Without the pressure of his life being on the line, he could easily lose concentration. Especially when the client is someone who pushes all of his buttons.

  A threat has been made against Kao and he needs a bodyguard. Brody is hired for a long term stint that takes him abroad. This is plenty of time for the two men to get close, but will their actions prove to be fatal for Kao?

  Falling in love could be a nail in Kao’s coffin.

  Jerks Like Us features a KPOP star with weird kinks and a bodyguard who tries to save him from himself. This story includes an opposites attract, slight age gap, and hot romance with a swoony happy ever after ending.

  Jerks Like Us is part of the "Like Us" collection. All books are standalone, with it's only connection being the supporting characters

  Jerks Like Us


  Chapter One

  Los Angeles, California USA

  “Kao? Would you like something to eat? You didn’t come down for breakfast.”

  Kao sighed aloud, knowing he needed to get his own place. Despite him being in another part of his folks five bedroom mansion, Momma Ming still treated Kao as if they lived in Ulsan.

  They even had an intercom system installed so they could talk with each other when in other parts of the house. Talk about high tech. At least with that his older parents wouldn’t have to make useless trips.

  Kao pressed the intercom button. “No thanks, Mom.”

  “Okay, son. Let me know if you change your mind.” Kao’s mom sounded so happy. She was truly over the moon to have her baby boy home. After all, he was an only child.

  Kao had reminded them they were in the prime of their older years, not having to worry about money another day in their lives. They’d bought real estate. His father owned a golf club in Santa Monica because he couldn’t stand sitting at home. He’d encouraged them to see the world like he’d done, but they refused, saying they’d rather live their lives through him.

  Although Kao didn’t mind that, he had to caution them about the space in his head. He’d been fucked up since I-Juice, a member of YUNGLIF, had committed suicide almost three years ago. Then Kao was drafted into military, trying to hide the fact he was gay, while doing his service for his beloved country. Keeping his head down and mouth shut was how he survived, but the internal scars were still visible. Many times, he wanted to follow down I-Juice’s path, but Kao wished for more, so he trudged on, not allowing the dark thoughts to consume him.

  Talking with his parents helped him greatly. Because he’d moved them out of South Korea for protection from fans and sasaengs, they could only talk through the phone, but it was enough to get him through. It stopped him from picking up a weapon or a bottle of alcohol, both of which would do him great harm.

  Kao would be forever grateful for his parents, which was why despite not having his own space, he put up with them spoiling him. Many South Korean youth did not have a family like his who accepted him being gay. He remembered telling them at age twenty-four, after partying with I-Juice the night prior. He’d gotten very drunk and was in a near accident that made his life flash before his eyes. During a facetime chat, Kao’s eyes were full of tears, just knowing his parents would shame and disown him. Instead they told Kao they loved him no matter who he chose to be with. That gave him the strength to carry on and finish his music contract.

  Kao would need it to talk with Executive Won of the band’s company, WRL entertainment. When they came to him to re-sign with SK4, he held out, saying he wanted the chance to think it over after military service.

  Kao’s mother and father supported him through that decision and every other that Kao had made in his life.

  Kao considered himself lucky in every sense of the word.

  Even the bad press coming out of South Korea didn’t totally bring him down. SK4 fans, who were called Skids, left rude comments on his social media accounts. Not all of them were hurtful, but it was enough to give the block button a workout. He’d pushed it so many times, his fingers began to hurt. While most supported Kao,
others delighted in calling him a traitor for leaving the band and his country as well as coming out. Good thing Kao didn’t use drinking as a release, because all the pressure would have driven him to the nearest bar.

  Despite that, Kao was excited for the future. He’d be meeting with his new team to discuss the release of his first solo R&B album. Although he was Korean, he didn’t want to be associated with KPOP anymore. It had been good to him, but he was grown up and ready to move forward.

  Just as he finished blocking a couple more crazy people, Kao’s phone rang. He checked the caller identification and smiled when his manager Lawrence Lau’s name popped up. “Hey Lawrence.” Kao said dryly. He’d called Kao nonstop since he touched down.

  “Kao, baby.” Lawrence said, sounding a little too cheerful. The American born South Korean claimed to be one of Kao’s biggest fans, picking up catch phrases and antics of the land easily. He also knew American music trends like the back of his hand, which would prove key to Kao’s success.

  “Can we meet for lunch? I’ve got some promotions I want to discuss with you. I’ve got a ton of appearances lined up, too. Gotta make sure it all fits into your schedule.”

  Kao groaned, knowing it was necessary. Everyone wanted to know why he left a super successful band like SK4 to go solo. Not that Kao minded answering those questions, but they immediately led to the hosts using his sexuality as reason for his departure. Although it was part of it, no one knew of the demons and insecurities that still plagued him.


  “Yeah? Oh shit, sorry. Yeah, we can. Where at?”

  “How about Moon Fei?”

  “That works. I’ll have to reserve a rideshare first since you won’t pick me up and I still don’t have my car.” Kao had recently reached out to a specialty car maker to build a fancy automobile. He had every intention on spending a good portion of cash on things he’d always wanted but couldn’t buy for whatever reason. Transportation, his own home, were just a couple of things on his list.

  Kao was aware all the money he’d earned during his KPOP stint couldn’t be spent without him going destitute, but he was determined to make an impact with it in one way or another.

  Lawrence mumbled something inaudible. “I’d come pick you up but traffic from my house to yours would be murder.”

  “Riighht.” Kao sat up straight and stretched his arms over his head. “No worries. I’ve got no problem grabbing an Uber.” He got up from bed and ran his hand through his newly cut locks. Kao had wanted to grow it out longer, but he was so used to the KPOP way of getting it cut once it became a certain length.

  “Long hair is for girls,” Kao’s stylist always told him. “You don’t want to be mistaken for a woman, do you?” Little did the lady know, he didn’t mind in the slightest. They wore makeup, light colors, and most of them were very slight. Why the hell would it matter? KPOP fans liked their bands to be pretty.

  “Kao? Did you drift on me again?”

  “Yeah, sorry.” Kao shook his head out of the fog. Those memories of being under WRL’s control would stay with him for quite a while. It was that or the military higher ups he’d continue to have nightmares about.

  “Kao. If you need to talk, you know you can tap me at any time.”

  Kao smiled. He’d been organizing this record with Lawrence for months and despite petty arguments, they became friends. Lawrence was also gay, so that helped immensely. If he weren’t already married, Kao would make a play for his manager, but the guy had been off the market for quite a while.

  “Thanks, man. I’ll keep that in mind. Let me go get ready for our meeting. Say, in the next hour?”

  “Yeah that’s cool. I’ll see you then. Peace.”

  Kao snorted. “Peace.” He pressed the disconnect button and swiped the screen to the left to bring up the rideshare app. He put in the address for Moon Fei and confirmed pick up time. About thirty-five minutes, which would give him enough time to change into something formal. Moon Fei was upscale and didn’t allow you in with jeans or gym shoes. Since Kao was wearing jogging pants and a t-shirt, he’d have to change.

  Just as Kao was about to put down his phone, it beeped, indicating he had a text message. He tapped it.


  “Ugh, fucking assholes!” Kao blocked the sender. He might have to change his number because he’d been getting a few texts and calls from unknowns or private lines.

  While a part of him assumed it was probably a sasaeng, another part wondered who else might have his information. Was he being watched? Was it someone from America or South Korea? Who knew, but with him about to make his first appearances as a solo artist, he couldn’t let his guard down.

  * * * *

  “Brody? Why aren’t you protecting that scallywag, um, what’s her name?”

  “Dana McPheeney?” Brody chuckled, looking up from his tablet. He was checking over his assignments, seeing plenty that only lasted a day or two with the occasional weeklong job, guarding a political figure who had just arrived in town.

  Brody worked for a private security firm in Los Angeles called Mack Securities. People looking at the name might’ve thought it they were lawyers, but instead they provided guarding services to the rich, famous, and influential.

  When Brody mentioned being fed up with cop work, a friend gave him the information and after a couple of interviews he was hired. The pay was better and hell, how dangerous was it to watch over celebrities? Sure, there were the occasional crazed fans or even hecklers if the person was a controversial figure, but it wasn’t a matter of life and death as it was when he was on the beat.

  “Yeah her. Why do I have Miss Prissy Pants?” Brody’s workmate, Lester asked.

  “Because I asked to be taken off. I was tired of her hitting on me.” Brody groused, thumbing through the next page of jobs. Thank goodness he was going to be busy for at least the next three weeks. The less time Brody had to be in his apartment, staring at four walls the better.

  Lester laughed heartily. “What? Dude, gay or not, you coulda hit it and quit it. You would’ve had quite the story to tell all the rest of us.”

  “Then you sleep with her.” Brody called over his shoulder. “Besides, fraternizing with clients is a no-no.” Yes, it was in the handbook, but Brody had heard of co-workers breaking those rules. Brody supposed if someone tickled his fancy he might too, but that had yet to happen.

  “Yeah but, dang. Dana is a-list. If a man gets a chance to dick someone like her down, they should take it. I mean, are you into dick that damn much?”

  “Suuuurrrre am.” Brody placed the tablet on the desk and picked up his cell phone, searching for tonight’s entertainment. It was a rare night off for Brody where he actually had time to get laid. Without a boyfriend, Brody had to resort himself to the ex-boyfriend carousel that was in constant rotation. Sometimes he wished he had a regular man, but then, he’d have to explain his haphazard schedule, which was often why he couldn’t stay in a relationship in the first place.

  “Ah man. Well to each his own. I still don’t get how you’d be into hairy balls instead of tits, but what do I know?”

  “Born this way, dude. There’s nothing else to explain.” Brody didn’t bother looking up at Lester. He was cool and all, but when the discussions regarding Brody’s sexuality rose his patience wore thin. How many times did he have to clarify that he was born to love men?

  Especially the bossy ones.

  Yes, Brody liked to be pushed around. At 6”5 250, not a lot of guys could literally move him, but if they pressed the right buttons, Brody would be theirs.

  “Okay. Just saying. The grass is nicer on the other side.” Lester kept going on and on.

  Brody didn’t respond. He wasn’t in the mood to get worked up about this conversation or anything else. He wasn’t under obligation to explain himself to anybody. No one here at the firm were friends and even if they were, Brody’s personal life wasn’t their business. The only reason peop
le knew was because he wished to give people a heads up. He’d learned from working in LAPD that making that information public ahead of time could be a good and bad thing, but it was expected when working with others.

  “All right man. I’m gonna leave you alone. Seeing as you’re not gonna convert —”

  Then Brody looked up and pointed at Lester. “Bingo.” He rolled his eyes and went back to scrolling. Going through the list of potentials was making his head hurt, but dammit he needed something tonight. He needed a release.

  “Ah whatevs. Anyway, you wanna join us for beers tonight at Thrills? The Dodgers are playing the Mets.”

  “Nah I’m good. I got a date tonight.” Brody lied. He didn’t have one yet, but he was sure between the standbys and exes, he could find someone to cure the loneliness and fill his bed.

  Even if he couldn’t, Brody didn’t feel like being surrounded by a bunch of drunk heterosexual men.

  Chapter Two

  After Kao’s lunch meeting with Lawrence, he had time to relax and get mentally prepared for what was to come. Although he’d been looking forward to this, he was still nervous as hell.

  When Lawrence informed Kao that his promotion schedule would be tight, he meant it. He’d booked online chats with magazines or TV shows, in-person appearances at radio outlets and entertainment shows from America and South Korea. Kao knew it was because he’d done both of his announcements at once. Still, he hoped the ones who’d requested to speak to him, would want to know about his new direction.

  As Kao looked through the list, he smiled to himself. The record would drop online this Friday, then hit stores the following Tuesday. He was so proud of how it turned out and couldn’t wait to tour. Lawrence was finalizing dates now to begin in August and run through October.